San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park is currently recruiting youth for the 2017 Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Program. YCC is a summer employment program aimed at young men and women ages 15 through 18, without regard to social, economic, racial, or ethnic backgrounds. Through work projects in the park, YCC crew gains a better understanding of their environment and management of our cultural resources.
The YCC Crew will work on a wide variety of projects including: restoration and maintenance of the historic ships at Hyde Street Pier such as: painting, varnishing, and learning basic maritime skills; landscape management projects such as: pruning, weeding, mulching, replanting, renovating ornamental beds, and learning about landscape management in a historical park. They will participate in a wide variety of other projects in other departments as related to a cultural park.
Work schedules will be Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.
Applicant Qualifications
All interested students ages 15-18 are encouraged to apply.
Please mail all applications to:
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
Attn: Lucien Sonder, YCC Coordinator
2 Marina Boulevard, Building E, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94123
Contact information
For further information, please contact YCC Coordinator, Lucien Sonder at (415) 561-7177 or at [email protected].