2020 Doctors on Board Pipeline Program Now Accepting Applications
January 03, 2020 -
March 07, 2020
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March 07, 2020
The Doctors On Board Pipeline Program is an innovative and exciting opportunity for students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds who are African American/Black, Native American and Latinx. High school students interested in becoming physicians will experience a rare snapshot of what it takes to become a doctor. Students will have a phenomenal opportunity to explore various facets of medicine and receive information about medical school preparation. Students must be 10th-12th grade to apply. See additional program details HERE.
The Doctors On Board Pipeline Program provides students with the following:
- Network with physicians, faculty, residents, medical students, administrators, educators, business professionals and others
- Attend workshops and receive valuable information on admissions requirements for medical school
- Attend workshops and receive valuable information regarding financial aid for medical school
- Workshops on writing personal statements, interviewing skills and MCAT/SAT exam prep
- Attend mock primary care clinics with real patients for students interested in primary care specialties
- Attend mock knot tying/suture clinic for students in surgery
- Discuss core aspect of medicine and engage in speed-mentoring role-play
- Parents & family members attend workshop for “Parents & Family of Future Doctors/Pharmacists: How to be Supportive”
- Receive “Doctors On Board Certificate of Completion” at the end of the program if students attend both days
APPLY HERE. Applications are due by March 6 at 5 PM. Applicants may also mail or email a hard copy application, available in the Main Office.