Areas of Impact
Age Group
30 minutes- 1 hour
Once prior to beginning instruction or shortly thereafter, update as needed
Use this organizer to develop a plan for bringing each component of your instruction to life in a distance learning format, with a particular eye to what existing practices will work well online and what will need to be adapted significantly. This exercise can be completed by individual educators, grade/department teams, or school teams.
This organizer breaks down components of teaching that are common to teaching across grade, subject level, and platform: things like assignments, feedback, and grading. Questions to consider for each section will assist you in thinking through what aspects of your current practice lend themselves well to distance learning, what will need to be adapted or scrapped, and what opportunities exist to try something entirely new. How will you help students meet their social needs when they can’t share a classroom with peers? Should your grade weighting values change as we rethink how to deliver feedback to students in this new model? These are questions only you and your colleagues can answer, but considering them in advance will prove invaluable in the weeks and months ahead.