Areas of Impact
Age Group
30 mins- 1 hour
As needed
This document, designed for department planning meetings, is meant to generate ideas about what students will need to combat summer learning loss, what you as an educator will need, and how to creatively meet those needs. Together, your team will consider:
- Social Emotional Support for Students - How can we diagnose where students are and build more social-emotional work into the first quarter of the year?
- Community Building - How can we strengthen community in Quarter 1?
- Supporting Students’ Non-Cognitive Skill Growth - We’re going to continue asking students to be more independent. In what ways do we need to be coaches, and how do we plan for that?
- Curriculum - How can we plan for a curriculum that may need to shift, considering what instruction was missed in Q4 and that we may need to teach remotely again?
Schools will be dealing with the reality of meeting new students this fall who will likely need a lot of support: in covering learning they may have missed in the spring, adjusting to schedules that will probably be unlike both the regular school year or distance learning as currently practiced, and in processing their feelings about this extended pandemic – all on top of the normally fraught transition to a new grade level! The more we can plan for this reality early on, the better equipped we’ll be to make the first few weeks and months of school as effective as possible.