St. Ignatius offers a wide variety of summer classes, camps and workshops organized for children and youth who will be in grades 1-9 in the fall of 2017. These include:
• Sports Camps
St. Ignatius offers a wide variety of summer classes, camps and workshops organized for children and youth who will be in grades 1-9 in the fall of 2017. These include:
• Sports Camps
In a partnership with the CCSF Office of Continuing Education at Fort Mason Center for the Arts and Culture, Embark Arts will offer a two-week intensive course taught by current and recently graduated students from graduate programs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Treasure Island Sailing Center (TISC)'s Junior Leadership Program is designed for 15 to 17 year old sailors who are looking to build their leadership skills while also continuing to develop their sailing knowledge and skills. This program is not intended for novice sailors.
The Treasure Island Sailing Center's (TISC) Junior Sailing Program is designed to enable young sailors to move at their own pace as they progress from novice to advanced sailors in a variety of one-design sail boats. We offer a wide range of Summer, Fall, and Spring class options.
Mission Bit offers free introductory and advanced web development classes that expose high school students to multiple coding languages and valuable 21st century skills.
“Youth Lead!” is Pacific Leadership Institute’s (PIL) teen leadership initiative that trains and develops urban youth to lead PLI’s outdoor adventure programs - including the Fort Miley Adventure Challenge Course, mobile team building and