
Student applies social-emotional awareness & social skills to work well with others.

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Student/Parent Roles & Responsibilities for Distance Learning

Along with calendar and grading information, these organizers can help clarify expectations for working together under a distance learning model, as well as points of contact for issues that may arise. Customize with your directory information and guidelines.

Distance Learning "Help Desk" Spreadsheet

This document is a handy way to streamline staff questions and answers about distance learning, or can be adapted to any new initiative or program requiring multiple stakeholders.

Distance Learning Plan

This document is a broad overview of Gateway's philosophies and procedures around distance learning due to COVID-19 related school closures, including family guides.

Context and Core Beliefs for Distance Learning

These exercises will help you articulate factors that can impact your work as you develop plans for distance learning, as well as how to turn you core beliefs as an educator into practices for your distance learning classroom.

Student Agency Rubric

This learning rubric identifies specific noncognitive skills and habits that supports students’ success throughout their education. Because it enumerates the full range of these skills, this rubric is a centerpiece of classroom learning and can be used in many ways, including at a Student-Led Conference.

academic strategies, academic habits, self awareness

SHARE for Co-teaching & Collaboration

This document jump starts a conversation among co-teachers and collaborators to develop successful co-teaching relationships.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Collaboration & Community Skills

Practices for Team Collaboration

This document outlines practices by co-planning and co-teaching teams to support their successful collaboration.

Collaboration & Community Skills