
Student communicates learning needs, takes responsibility and demonstrates persistence to achieve goals.

Skill Icon

Skills area icon

SCARF Classroom Environment Planning Tool

This planning tool helps teachers organize their classrooms and classroom systems to ensure students feel safe to take risks, share, and work together.

Collaboration & Community Skills, Self-Advocacy, Self Awareness & Growth Mindset

Online Grade Check

This document scaffolds students in the skill of checking their online grades and advocating for themselves with their teachers.

academic strategies, Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy

Core Value Stars

These stars provide an instantaneous positive behavior support to recognize and reward students.

academic strategies, Academic habits , Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills

Family Conferences Goal-Setting

This document provides a structure for student reflection in preparation for and during family conferences.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy

Student-Led Conference Checklist

This document reminds students of the agenda in their Student-Led Conferences.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills

Student-Led Conference Family Homework

This document invites families to write a letter that is included in the student’s portfolio.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills

Student-Led Conference Family Letter

This document scaffolds and gives an example for students to write a letter to their family as an introduction to the Student-Led Conference portfolios.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills

Student-Led Conference Portfolio Checklist

This checklist helps students organize the contents of their Student-Led Conference portfolios and serves as an overview of the portfolio's purpose.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills

Student-Led Conference Goal-Setting

This document is the centerpiece of student reflection before and during Student-Led Conferences.

Self Awareness & Growth Mindset, Self-Advocacy, Collaboration & Community Skills